Colorado News: Aspen Passes Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling ordinance
The City of Aspen joins a growing number of Colorado cities working to curb greenhouse gas emissions by recycling and reusing building materials.

Perks featured on NPR’s “Here & Now”
Perks’ Founder Anna Perks is featured on NPR’s “Here & Now”

Sustainable Demolition in Colorado: A Closer Look
A snapshot of construction and demolition (C&D) reuse and recycling regulations in place for cities and towns along the Front Range in Colorado

Adhering to Denver's demolition permit process
Denver’s latest sustainability measures require reuse and recycling plans as part of the demolition permitting process. Here’s what demolition contractors and builders need to know.

Perks in the news
CBS Colorado interviews Anna Perks, Owner and Found of Perks Deconstruction, on the company’s efforts to bring sustainability practices to Colorado’s demolition industry.

Denver now requiring recycling and reuse plans for demolition jobs
The City and County’s new “Waste No More” policy has new requirements for construction and demolition jobs as of June 1, 2023. Here’s what it means and how we can help.